The Garden Awakens is here (2025)

The Garden Awakens is here (1)


The Garden Awakens is here (2)

Geschrieben von
Sophie Austin

Play the game drop today!

News of an eerie new biome has been spreading across for weeks, and now we’re getting reports that this biome – and its mysteries – are playable Minecraft Bedrock and Java Edition today!

The Garden Awakens drop has landed – meaning players the world over will be able to explore this eerie new biome, meet the creaking, uncover the secrets of the creaking heart, build with new blocks, row away in pale oak boats, trim armor with resin, decorate their base with hanging moss, and more.

But first, this special broadcast direct from the pale garden:

Oh dear. That was a bit ominous, wasn’t it? Now, luckily, I am a professional investigative Minecrafter, and I take my investigations very seriously. So I’m not going to let something like a thrilling trailer stop me from stepping into the pale garden myself, and putting an end to all this speculation about “creakings in the night”…

Discover the pale garden

The Garden Awakens is here (4)

The first thing I can confirm, dear reader, is that the pale garden is definitely pale. Filled with pale oak trees and veiled in pale hanging moss – this entire biome looks like someone turned the saturation on my screen down to single digits. But unlike the reports coming in that something troublesome lurks in the pale garden, I’ve found no mobs at all! I’ve been collecting pale oak logs since the sun came up – and I haven’t stumbled across a single pig, chicken, or cow. So clearly, reports of a hostile inhabitant in this new biome were all villager gossip!

Build with new blocks

The Garden Awakens is here (5)

Equipped with bundles of pale oak, I think the next step of my in-depth investigation is going back to my base to add a brand-new pale oak wing. With all the new blocks in this drop you can build with pale oak bricks, remaster your roof with pale oak stairs, float across the ocean in a pale oak boat – you get the picture. There’s an entire pale oak wood set!

Now all I have to do is find my way out of this biome…

Follow the eyeblossoms

The Garden Awakens is here (6)

I might have lost track of time – but the good news is I still have six bundles filled with pale moss carpet and pale oak logs! The bad news is that I’m definitely lost in the pale garden, and there’s an odd sound coming from somewhere. Luckily, it’s not completely dark in here – I’ve discovered something called eyeblossoms, a rare flower that only spawns in the pale garden and blooms at night in a puff of orange particles. On closer inspection, I’ve discovered that this flower can be used for dye, too! Gosh, I am nailing this investigation.

Armed with my bundles, my plan is to follow this trail of eyeblossoms so I can exit the pale garden as quickly as possible. What’s odd is that sometimes, from a distance, these blooming flowers almost look like… eyes?


Meet the creaking

The Garden Awakens is here (7)

Creakings are hostile mobs that call the pale garden home, and if you’re unlucky enough to stumble upon one, then make sure you keep your eyes on them! The creaking won’t move while you’re staring at it, but look away and it’s sure to follow. But have no fear, reader! I have my trusty axe with me, and I’ll defeat this hostile mob in one, fell, swoop!

This is why being an investigative Minecrafter is both good and bad. My desperate “investigations” have quickly shown that hitting the creaking with an axe does very little – although it does send a smattering of particles shooting out in odd directions. I promise I’ll investigate those particles more thoroughly as soon as I’ve won this staring contest with the creaking. Don’t blink, Sophie. Don’t…

Uncover its secrets

The Garden Awakens is here (8)

Some careful manoeuvring and some even more careful staring has revealed a new, living block – the creaking heart! I’m sure this block is linked to the creaking in some way, but unfortunately this is where my courage has run out, dear reader. It’s getting darker and darker, and now I can hear other hostile mobs spawning around me. I won’t end this report on a respawn screen! I refuse!

Play the drop today – and maybe you can find me! I just need—

Editor’s note: Sophie never came back to work to finish this article. I hope she knows she has to submit holiday requests in advance? Looks like I’ll have to hand over this adventure to another writer.

Get ready to expect the unexpected – the story continues tomorrow…

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    The Garden Awakens is here (2025)
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    Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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    Views: 6113

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    Author information

    Name: Moshe Kshlerin

    Birthday: 1994-01-25

    Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

    Phone: +2424755286529

    Job: District Education Designer

    Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

    Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.